同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過24萬的網紅Xiaxue,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This video was uploaded yesterday but it mysteriously got deleted, the error message says deleted by user. My account is not hacked and I have two ste...
feminism article 在 謝伯讓的腦科學世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
Synovitz LB, Byrne TJ. (1998) Antecedents of sexual victimization: factors discriminating victims from nonvictims. J Am Coll Health. 46(4):151-8.
原文引用: "The variables found to be related to women's being sexually victimized were (a) number of different lifetime sexual partners, (b) provocative dress, and (c) alcohol use."
Theresa M. Beiner, Sexy Dressing Revisited: Does Target Dress Play A Part in Sexual Harassment Cases?, 14 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 125 (2007).
PDF: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1109&context=djglp
原文引用:"While people perceive dress to have an impact on who is assaulted, studies of rapists suggest that victim attire is not a significant factor. Instead, rapists look for signs of passiveness and submissiveness, which, studies suggest, are more likely to coincide with more body-concealing clothing.(140) In a study to test whether males could determine whether women were high or low in passiveness and submissiveness, Richards and her colleagues found that men, using only nonverbal appearance cues, could accurately assess which women were passive and submissive versus those who were dominant and assertive.(141) Clothing was one of the key cues: “Those females high in passivity and submissiveness (i.e., those at greatest risk for victimization) wore noticeably more body-concealing clothing (i.e., high necklines, long pants and sleeves, multiple layers).” This suggests that men equate body-concealing clothing with passive and submissive qualities, which are qualities that rapists look for in victims. Thus, those who wore provocative clothes would not be viewed as passive or submissive, and would be less likely to be victims of assault."
140. Chen Shen, Study: From Attribution and Thought-Process Theory to Rape-Shield Laws: The Meanings of Victim’s Appearance in Rape Trials, 5 J. L. & FAM. STUD. 435, 447 (2003); Alinor C. Sterling, Undressing the Victim: The Intersection of Evidentiary and Semiotic Meanings of Women’s Clothing in Rape Trials, 7 YALE J.L. & FEMINISM 87, 104–06 (1995); DUNCAN KENNEDY, SEXY DRESSING ETC. (1993); Gary D. Lafree, Barbara F. Reskin & Christy A. Visher, Jurors’ Responses to Victims’ Behavior and Legal Issues in Sexual Assault Trials, 32 SOC.PROBS. 389, 401 (1985) (study of jurors in rape trials noting that victim history often finds its way into rape trials in spite of rape shield laws).
141. Lynne Richards, A Theoretical Analysis of Nonverbal Communication and Victim Selection for Sexual Assaults, 9 CLOTHING & TEXTILES RES. J. 55, 59–60 (Summer 1991) (discussing Lynne Richards et al., Perceptions of Submissiveness: Implications for Victimization, 125 J.PSYCH. 407 (1991)).
(1) 雖然統計上很少發現「女性衣著和性侵被害」兩者的顯著相關,但是這似乎有可能是因為臨時起意的性侵案件占全部性侵案件的比例太小,導致樣本被稀釋而無法檢視「女性衣著和性侵被害」兩者的相關性?
(2) 如果男性可以從女性穿著推測出女性的個性,那性感衣著反而會成為反指標,使得穿著保守的女性更容易變成目標,如此一來,「女性性感衣著和性侵被害機率」兩者當然不會有正相關。
feminism article 在 Xiaxue Facebook 的最讚貼文
Reposting a snippet from my latest blog post, you can read the full article here: http://xiaxue.blogspot.com/2020/07/raeesah-khan-ge-2020-and-being-labeled.html?m=1
I’m posting more about Raeesah Khan today.
First, a disclaimer. I do not dislike the Worker’s Party.
Of all the opposition parties, I think they are the best. I live in Aljunied grc, and they have done a great job so far. I agree with many of the policy suggestions in their manifesto.
For example, redundancy insurance, abolishing the retirement age, or lowering the age of eligibility for BTO flats, which will help singles and our LGBTQ community to get housing just like married couples are.
Previously I mentioned on my ig stories that Raeesah Khan is not suitable to be an MP.
Today I am going to ask some very important questions which I hope both WP and Raeesah will answer.
I refer to this tweet by Raeesah in the photos.
It appears that she is saying her political views can be summed up by
- Angela Davis’ political views
- Intersectional feminism
Many of you may not know about Angela Davis, but she is a far-left activist, who spent her life sympathising with some of the most oppressive communism regimes around.
She literally calls herself a communist, and was a member of the Communism Party in USA. I think there is no need to explain how horrible communism is.
And of course in order to make any non-communist country a communist state, it would involve total revolution, many lives, and replacing it with a totalitarian regime in charge of redistributing wealth back to its citizens.
She is also a prison abolitionist, campaigning for prisons to completely be eradicated. Where to put the murderers, I can’t seem to find a good answer, because it seems she also is against the death penalty.
Angela Davis was a member of the Black Panthers, a brutal communist, anti-semite organization. In 1970, Angela Davis bought the weapons that were used for a shootout during a trial of 3 black inmates accused of killing a white prison guard. All the black men and judge who was held hostage perished in the gunfight, and Davis fled the state. She was eventually caught.
Even though she conspired to commit murder, the jury found her not guilty.
In short, this woman is the antithesis to the Singapore that Mr Lee Kuan Yew wanted.
This tweet of Raeesah Khan’s talking about Angela Davis was posted only a few weeks ago, but surprisingly enough, nobody is talking about it.
Anyone who knows who Angela Davis is should be horror-filled that a candidate running for parliament is a fan of hers, and claims that the reading of her books represents her political views.
Previously I mentioned Raeesah appears to be one of those radical leftists who seem hell bent on bringing the toxic, cancerous identity politics that America is so notorious for into Singapore.
There are racial issues that minorities face in Singapore, of course there is. It is tough to be a minority in any country.
But instead of discussing calmly and logically what new politics can be introduced to solve these problems or what laws need to change, proponents of Identity politics instead try to make a single race the enemy.
When there are enemies, people unite. Political parties using this method will see themselves get votes if they manage to market themselves as the empathetic ones, even if the politics they impose do more evil than good in the long run.
Society is then split into a them vs us, while tribalistic infighting ensue. If you disagree with this method of classifying victims by their skin colour (when in fact so many things determine a person’s privilege, such as looks, height, family wealth, health, both parents around etc etc), you are automatically seen as racist and the bad guy.
Because nobody wants to seem morally corrupt or unsympathetic, they prop up this system.
Instill this sentiment into citizens long enough and resentment builds. The ones constantly told they are being oppressed will start seeing oppression everywhere. They won’t even try to succeed in life, because they are told they are so oppressed they can never make it. They believe their oppressors owe them.
Meanwhile, the majority race starts feeling angry at constantly being called oppressors. Or maybe they are poor and unhappy themselves, but see that resources for help are only made available for minorities but not them. If they were indeed racist before, this makes them even more racist.
What eventually happens is civil war. We cannot have this poison in Singapore.
Raeesah’s has apologised for her posts, but nobody needed to hear whether she is sorry she was being insensitive.
What people need to know is:
Does she still believe our courts are corrupt as she so insinuated? Does she still believe law enforcement unfairly target minorities? If not, what made her change her mind? Her statement does not address any of this.
Worker’s Party claim they did not see those posts of Raeesah’s. Fair enough. But I do not believe they have done such terrible vetting that they have not seen her tweet about Angela Davis which was so recent.
- Do you believe that Singapore, through a brutal revolution and death, can become a communist utopia?
- Do you think that everyone in Singapore should not own private property and should have equal wealth, the very values communism epouses? If so, do you seek to redistribute your multi-millionaire dad's wealth to the poverty-stricken citizens of Singapore?
- Do you agree that it is only with violence and death do we achieve true freedom?
- Do you seek to abolish prisons in Singapore?
- Do you believe in the ideologies of Karl Marx, or Valdamir Lenin?
As for Worker’s Party, why did you field a candidate who holds extreme left-wing views?
Do you agree with her ideologies and think it aligns with yours? DO YOU ENDORSE THESE FAR LEFT VIEWS??
Please answer these questions. I write all these not because I am a PAP lackey, even though obviously people will say I am. Despite what you think, I believe it is healthy to have opposition seats in parliament.
However, I absolutely do not want to see candidates such as Raeesah Khan in our parliament - she brings with her dangerous political views that can topple the peaceful society we built over the years and is completely against everything that Singapore stands for. As it is, the mindless youth of Singapore are already echoing her dangerous ideologies.
I would rather any opposition joker win than her.
feminism article 在 Xiaxue Youtube 的最佳解答
This video was uploaded yesterday but it mysteriously got deleted, the error message says deleted by user. My account is not hacked and I have two step verification. I don't know if it's gone because it's an unpopular opinion or whatever but hey let's see if it gets deleted again. -_-
Some links:
Breastfeeding article: https://www.facebook.com/Xiaxue.sg/posts/10155214365042431
Gender wage gap debunked: http://www.forbes.com/sites/karinagness/2016/04/12/dont-buy-into-the-gender-pay-gap-myth/
Other dumb modern feminist movements:
Mansplaining: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansplaining
Manspreading: http://www.gender-focus.com/2016/02/13/manspreading/
Fart rape (yes for real): https://thewaterpipe.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/can-a-fart-be-misogynist/

feminism article 在 Rachel and Jun Youtube 的最讚貼文
★Cat Merch! https://crowdmade.com/collections/junskitchen
- Resources for statistics/news/reports on gender equality in both English and Japanese:
「厚生労働省の統計情報・白書」: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei_hakusho/
「男女共同参画白書 平成25年版」 : http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/w...
「保育所関連状況取りまとめ」: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/houdou/2r98...
「夫は祖手で働き、妻は家を守るべきである」: http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/w...
「男性の育児休業取得率の推移 」: http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/w...
「役職別管理職に占める女性割合の推移 」: http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/w...
「週労働時間60時間以上の就業者の割合(男性・年齢別)」: http://www.gender.go.jp/about_danjo/w...
Global Gender Gap Report 2012: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Gend...
Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/
MHLW's Equal Employment and Child Welfare Report: http://www.mhlw.go.jp/english/wp/wp-h...
Japanese work week [article]: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013...
Japanese daycare issues [article]:
Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office of Japan, "Women and Men in Japan 2012" report: http://www.gender.go.jp/english_conte...
Perceptions of Gender Equality survey results: http://www.gender.go.jp/english_conte...
Women want to work [articles]:
Center for Work-Life Policy Press Report on Japanese women workers: http://www.worklifepolicy.org/documen...
OECD Employment Outlook 2013 (Gender gap wage information): http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-...
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